Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's been really bugging me that I didn't really finish my thoughts on the whole American/European rant. Although Doug wrote quite a good response, and you should read his comment. What I meant to really get into is the fact that Americans just don't seem to even consider it. It's straight to college, straight to work. And so many people don't even enjoy what they are doing, and have never had the chance to see what else is out there. You can say its the culture shock, but its the same for Europeans, but somehow they have the mindset that its OK to take time off. And it is! Boy have I engrained that into my head. I am backpacking through Southeast Asia by myself, but there are SO many other people doing it. It's really the easiest thing ever. And it's so cheap (once you get here..) It sure does add up quickly though.. But it is a good point that its easier to travel where you know someone. Fleeing to Vietnam by myself wasn't that appealing to many people, but it was a great decision! And now, you know ME, so I would appreciate some visitors...

I am now in Siem Reap, going to see Angkor Wat tomorrow (see the Cambodian flag if your not sure what that is!) I use to love the traveling part, trains, buses, I've done it all so many times, I love airports, etc. Something about it all excites me. But traveling here has turned me into bitch! Whenever you arrive to a destination you are BOMBARDED by moto drivers. They literally stand in your way so much so that you have to push through them to get off the bus and to find your luggage. All the while have them screaming in your ear "You want moto lady?" "You want tuk-tuk?" Over and over again.. Its annoying because yes, I do want a moto, but I don't know where I'm going, and Iwould like to take a few minutes to find my bag and pull myself together enough to figure out where the hell I am. They don't understand that much English, so I just put my head down and keep saying no until I can walk far enough away where I only have five guys harrasing me intead of twenty. Then of course, its the race to find a guesthouse. The drivers get a commision from certain guesthouses, so they work hard to convince you that is where you want to stay. Last night (in bitch mode) my driver brought me to a different part of town then I asked to go. I took out a map and said "NO. I asked to go HERE." The place was nice enough but it was in the middle of freaking no where. So I sat in my tuk-tuk and I said "Take me there now." He said "Okay, two dollar." "No- you said ONE dollar until I found a place." "Two" "One" "Okay lets go." This took a few minutes and drew quite a crowd, but he drove me into town and I only paid a dollar. Sometimes being a bitch pays off... I'm in the best place ever! I'm paying $8 a night (way out of my price range) but I have a confortable mattress in a real room. A tv, my own bathroom, WITH hot water. I was SO happy when I was settled last night. I took the longest shower and it was so fantastic. Then I had a great nights sleep. I would say I am the least high maintenence person I know, but for $8 a night, I deserve a ilttle luxury now and then.

Some thoughts on Asia -

Food. Still amazing, everywhere I go. I have tried all of the local Khmer dishes, including Amok and Luc Lok, but since I don't have this availability in Can Tho, I"ve also indulged in western things like omlettes and pizza and french fries. Sometimes you just need to. My favorite foods overall are fresh spring rolls (although fried are amazing too, I'm trying to stay away) and Fried Rice, of any variety.

Markets. I don't understand them. A positive - you can literally find anything at all you might ever want/need/wear/use... anything. But what a hassle!! Everything is piled on top of one another and the aisles are SO narrow and there are people everywhere yelling at you "You buy miss" "You buy from me now" "You want scarf" Etc. I usually end up buying things from the people who don't hassle me, because I like them better. Which brings me to the next thing I don't understand...

Bargaining. I just don't get it. They ask for $10, I say $5. From there it goes a little something like this... 9, no 5, 8, 5, 7, 5, 6- its my final offer. 5- its my final offer. okay 5. Seriously! You know you are going to agree with me, why are you wasting my time. Its the same for moto drivers. They say something and I say one. If they don't agree I just walk away, there is another moto every five seconds and someone will take my dollar. As soon as you walk away the guy pulls up beside you and says "Okay one dollar, get on" It's a ridiculous sytem. I definitely miss fixed pricing.

Bathrooms. For those of you who have the benefit of being able to pee standing up, congratulations. For everyone else, practicing the art of squatting is quite the experience. Not only this, but men pee everywhere. I can't even tell you the number of men I've seen peeing. Just right on the side of the road. MUST BE NICE. While you, the bus driver, can pull over at any moment you wish and hop off the bus and pee rightt here, and then get back on the road, we, the female riders, have to hold it in until we reach a rest stop. We also have to always carry around toilet paper with us. Which has become a part of the daily routine while getting ready in the morning. "Wallet, check. Money, check. Toilet paper,check." Also, hot water is a hot commodity. I haven't had it up until now, but when he told me for $1 I could have hot water I said, sure why not. The water heater is already in my bathroom, and the guy wont turn it on unless I give him an extra dollar a night. It certainly is nice though...

Anyway, I'll be here for a few days and then off to Bangkok! I've always always always wanted to go to Thailand and I am super excited for it! I think I'll post some pictures from there too, I have seen the most amazing sunsets that I really want to show you guys. Miss you!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're embracing your inner bitch. Maybe now you can understand me a little better. Love and miss you xoxo mom

Unknown said...

Hey Sam!
I was about to leave you a little note on facebook but thought I'd catch up on your blog and say hi here. Some of these experiences are definitely familiar... Being harangued in Istanbul to take a particular boat as soon as we stepped onto the dockway and knew which one we were looking for (but still needed a second or two to orient ourselves and find it). And oh, the fixed pricing thing. Yeah, I'm with you on that. The worst was in Morocco, when somebody expected money for something (it's a long story, but it had to do with Moroccan music) but didn't say so until the very end. You think bargaining is tough? Imagine plying people with food bought from your own pocket just for some information and then they demand money at the end. Don't worry, I didn't pay. Sometimes bitch mode is the only thing that works, I'm sad to say. And as someone who is inherently respectful and polite, it's difficult to be bold-faced rude.
Glad to see you're still loving it there!